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What do you want to know about stem cell banking?

You came to the right place. We love talking stem cells and want to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of banking with Forever Labs. We've answered some common questions below. If you have additional ones we haven't answered, please contact us today!

What do you want to know about stem cell banking?

We love talking stem cells and want to answer any questions you may have about the benefits of banking with Forever Labs. We've answered a few common questions below.

What is the ideal age to bank my stem cells?

We collect and store stem cells for individuals aged 18 years and older. Ideally, the younger you are, the better. However, as the loss and decline of stem cells continues throughout one's life, and as this decline accelerates with age, storing at any age may provide benefits to your future self.

How do you collect stem cells? 

Bone marrow is a wellspring for stem cells including mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. Adipose (fat) tissue is rich in mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can be collected from a small sample of your bone marrow from an aspiration, or fat tissue after a liposuction. Research suggests the decline in the number and viability of stems cells plays a role in the physical decline associated with aging. In fact, simply injected genetically-matched young mesenchymal stem cells into aged mice significantly increases their lifespan.

What is the procedure like? 

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Collection: Bone marrow stem cell collection is a minimally invasive out-patient procedure performed with local anesthetic. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes. Most clients report a fleeting (5-10 second) pressure-like sensation upon withdrawal. The procedure is low-risk and does not leave scarring.

Adipose Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells can also be isolated from fat tissue collected during a liposuction or adipose-based procedure. Ordinarily, that tissue would go to waste. With Forever Labs, the valuable stem cells are extracted from the tissue and stored for your future use.

Each of us at Forever Labs has had the procedure. Feel free to reach out and talk to us about it.

Visit our Testimonials page to learn more!

Are there any health concerns with a bone marrow draw?

As with any medical procedure, there is always some form of risk involved. However, when undergoing a bone marrow aspiration, that risk is minimal and complications are rare. If you have a pre-existing condition that causes you to have low platelet counts or a weakened immune system, it may be wise to seek further advice from a medical professional. In general, clients can expect moderate soreness at the site of aspiration as well as possible tenderness and bruising. Talk with your physician about a plan on how to mitigate these symptoms following your procedure.

Does research link stem cells to a healthier and longer life?

More than 500 registered human clinical trials use mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of age-related disease, and many trials are currently in phases II and III. Furthermore, young stem cell treatments in animal models suggest that these cells have the potential to increase healthspan, and possibly even lifespan. Ever-increasing evidence shows that these benefits may be replicated in humans as well.

See our Research page for more detailed information.

How are stem cells safely frozen and then thawed for future use?

Preserving the viability of cells is of the upmost importance when cryogenically freezing samples for future use. To avoid damage to cells during this process a cryoprotectant, such as Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is added. When diluted in cell mixtures, DMSO prevents intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation from occurring, therefore preventing cellular damage and increasing cell membrane integrity. The use of DMSO is a validated method that has been used for decades for cryopreservation in such practices as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and cord blood banking.

How do I retrieve my stem cells?

You can request your stem cells by contacting Forever Labs directly, or by logging into your account. They can then be shipped to a laboratory, clinic, or other biorepository worldwide for $300.

How many times do I have to store my stem cells? 

Just once! Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture. This is often done in clinical trials using stem cells. Your cells are stored in multiple chambers, and can be accessed more than once.

When will I be able to use the stem cells that I have banked?

Currently, there are several hundred clinical trials using them for the treatment of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, dementia, and more. But clinical trials take several years to complete. We don’t want our cells to be that much older when we need them.
You can use your stem cells in the US when such a therapy has been approved by the FDA.

Can I use someone else's stem cells?

You are your own best source of stem cells. By using your own autologous cells, you mitigate the chance of your body eliciting an immune response. This can occur when your immune system identifies something as foreign, and attacks to eliminate the threat, as it does when you become infected with a virus. By using your own stem cells, the risk of such a response is diminished.

Does Forever Labs perform stem cell therapy?

You can look at Forever Labs as your personal biobank. We provide our clients the ability to safely harvest their stem cells and cryogenically store them so that they remain biologically inert. That means the age you are when you have your procedure, is the age your cells will remain in storage. Forever Labs has always made it their mission to work within the good graces of the FDA, and since the FDA restricts the use of stem cells, Forever Labs does not provide stem cell therapies. However, since the FDA does acknowledge the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapies, you can trust that by banking your cells with Forever Labs, you will have biologically optimal samples at hand for the future.

When will the cells be approved for use in the United States?

We estimate the first stem cell treatments to be approved within 5-10 years. Heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis are some of the most developed therapies, but it is difficult to say which indication will be approved first.

Check out our blog for the lastest news on stem cell research.

If my physician collects stem cells for a same-day treatment, can my banked stem cells be used instead?

According to the FDA, physicians may collect cells and inject them in the same procedure. However, if the cells are not used immediately, then they cannot be used in this manner.

Can your stem cells be stored and used for family members?

When thinking of stem cell therapies, there are generally two types regarding source: allogeneic and autologous. Allogeneic refers to the transplant of cells from a matched donor, such as a family member. Matches are determined by tissue typing, which looks at proteins called human leukocyte antigens (HLA), which can be found on white blood cells and tissue. It is estimated that you have a 25% chance of being matched to a family member. Autologous is the use of a person’s own stem cells. Since with autologous cells you are your own donor, the match is always 100%. In addition, when using allogenic cells there is always associated risks such as Graft-versus-Host disease (GVHD). With GVHD the donated stem cells view the recipient’s body as foreign and begin to attack. By using your own autologous stem cells, you circumvent the associated risks of an immune response.

Can stem cells be grown or expanded?

Yes. Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture, and this is often done in clinical trials using stem cells.

Can my banked stem cells be expanded?

The FDA has a responsibility to protect the public health by ensuring the safety and efficacy of countless products to include drugs and biologicals. The FDA requires that all human cells, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based products undergo “minimal manipulation”. The freezing of stem cells is considered a manipulation and therefore cells that have undergone this process cannot be currently used. Banking your stem cells with Forever Labs is an investment for your future. As science advances, rules and regulations will evolve to meet those changes. The cells you bank today will be ready for you when those changes occur.

Does Forever Labs grow my stem cells?

No, Forever Labs does not grow stem cells for therapy but safely cryopreserves them so that they can be grown in the future.

Why would someone choose to bank their aged stem cells versus getting fetal stem cells?

There are many similarities and differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the ability to become any cell in the body and are therefore termed “pluripotent”. Adult stem cells, such as Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) like those found in your bone marrow and adipose tissue, are “multipotent”, meaning they can differentiate into a number of cell types, but not all. Although a pluripotent cell may sound advantageous you have to consider the risks. First, there are relatively few clinical trials using ESCs versus the hundreds being conducted for MSCs alone. In addition, ESCs have a higher potential of eliciting an immune response resulting in rejection or requiring the need for immunosuppressive drugs, which come with steep side effects. By using your own adult stem cells, the risk of rejection is greatly diminished. Also, future advancements in science have the potential to genetically engineer adult stem cells to regain properties similar to embryonic stem cells. Banking your cells with Forever Labs would prepare you for such a future.

How many back ups does your business have for its electrical capacity?

All Forever Labs samples are housed in an FDA regulated ISO 9001 certified biorepository with industry leading operations and quality control processes in place. Having ISO 9001 certification, the biorepository is required to adhere to strict emergency preparedness and response guidelines with established procedures to identify and respond to potential emergency scenarios. This is to include but is not limited to the use of uninterruptable power supply units to minimize the impact of power surges and outages. And since all Forever Labs samples are stored in liquid nitrogen, there is no need to worry about temperature fluctuations in regard to power. Power or not, samples will remain at their temperature of -196 degrees Celsius/-320 degrees Fahrenheit.

What happens if Forever Labs goes out of business? What safeguards are in place to ensure my cells will be preserved?

At Forever Labs we regard your samples as priority #1. With that being said, should there be an unforeseeable circumstance affecting the livelihood of the company, protective measures have been put in place and funds set aside to assure that your samples will remain securely stored at the biorepository until the day you request them.

I have another question that hasn't been answered here. 

We're happy to answer any and all questions! Contact us by email or phone at 1-888-344-8463.

What is the ideal age to bank my stem cells?

We collect and store stem cells for individuals aged 18 years and older. Ideally, the younger you are, the better. However, as the loss and decline of stem cells continues throughout one's life, and as this decline accelerates with age, storing at any age may provide benefits to your future self.

How do you collect stem cells? 

Bone marrow is a wellspring for stem cells including mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. Adipose (fat) tissue is rich in mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can be collected from a small sample of your bone marrow from an aspiration, or fat tissue after a liposuction. Research suggests the decline in the number and viability of stems cells plays a role in the physical decline associated with aging. In fact, simply injected genetically-matched young mesenchymal stem cells into aged mice significantly increases their lifespan.

What is the procedure like? 

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Collection: Bone marrow stem cell collection is a minimally invasive out-patient procedure performed with local anesthetic. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes. Most clients report a fleeting (5-10 second) pressure-like sensation upon withdrawal. The procedure is low-risk and does not leave scarring.

Adipose Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells can also be isolated from fat tissue collected during a liposuction or adipose-based procedure. Ordinarily, that tissue would go to waste. With Forever Labs, the valuable stem cells are extracted from the tissue and stored for your future use.

Each of us at Forever Labs has had the procedure. Feel free to reach out and talk to us about it.

Visit our Testimonials page to learn more!

Are there any health concerns with a bone marrow draw?

As with any medical procedure, there is always some form of risk involved. However, when undergoing a bone marrow aspiration, that risk is minimal and complications are rare. If you have a pre-existing condition that causes you to have low platelet counts or a weakened immune system, it may be wise to seek further advice from a medical professional. In general, clients can expect moderate soreness at the site of aspiration as well as possible tenderness and bruising. Talk with your physician about a plan on how to mitigate these symptoms following your procedure.

Does research link stem cells to a healthier and longer life?

More than 500 registered human clinical trials use mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of age-related disease, and many trials are currently in phases II and III. Furthermore, young stem cell treatments in animal models suggest that these cells have the potential to increase healthspan, and possibly even lifespan. Ever-increasing evidence shows that these benefits may be replicated in humans as well.

See our Research page for more detailed information.

How are stem cells safely frozen and then thawed for future use?

Preserving the viability of cells is of the upmost importance when cryogenically freezing samples for future use. To avoid damage to cells during this process a cryoprotectant, such as Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is added. When diluted in cell mixtures, DMSO prevents intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation from occurring, therefore preventing cellular damage and increasing cell membrane integrity. The use of DMSO is a validated method that has been used for decades for cryopreservation in such practices as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and cord blood banking.

How do I retrieve my stem cells?

You can request your stem cells by contacting Forever Labs directly, or by logging into your account. They can then be shipped to a laboratory, clinic, or other biorepository worldwide for $300.

How many times do I have to store my stem cells? 

Just once! Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture. This is often done in clinical trials using stem cells. Your cells are stored in multiple chambers, and can be accessed more than once.

When will I be able to use the stem cells that I have banked?

Currently, there are several hundred clinical trials using them for the treatment of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, dementia, and more. But clinical trials take several years to complete. We don’t want our cells to be that much older when we need them.
You can use your stem cells in the US when such a therapy has been approved by the FDA.

Can I use someone else's stem cells?

You are your own best source of stem cells. By using your own autologous cells, you mitigate the chance of your body eliciting an immune response. This can occur when your immune system identifies something as foreign, and attacks to eliminate the threat, as it does when you become infected with a virus. By using your own stem cells, the risk of such a response is diminished.

Does Forever Labs perform stem cell therapy?

You can look at Forever Labs as your personal biobank. We provide our clients the ability to safely harvest their stem cells and cryogenically store them so that they remain biologically inert. That means the age you are when you have your procedure, is the age your cells will remain in storage. Forever Labs has always made it their mission to work within the good graces of the FDA, and since the FDA restricts the use of stem cells, Forever Labs does not provide stem cell therapies. However, since the FDA does acknowledge the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapies, you can trust that by banking your cells with Forever Labs, you will have biologically optimal samples at hand for the future.

When will the cells be approved for use in the United States?

We estimate the first stem cell treatments to be approved within 5-10 years. Heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis are some of the most developed therapies, but it is difficult to say which indication will be approved first.

Check out our blog for the lastest news on stem cell research.

If my physician collects stem cells for a same-day treatment, can my banked stem cells be used instead?

According to the FDA, physicians may collect cells and inject them in the same procedure. However, if the cells are not used immediately, then they cannot be used in this manner.

Can your stem cells be stored and used for family members?

When thinking of stem cell therapies, there are generally two types regarding source: allogeneic and autologous. Allogeneic refers to the transplant of cells from a matched donor, such as a family member. Matches are determined by tissue typing, which looks at proteins called human leukocyte antigens (HLA), which can be found on white blood cells and tissue. It is estimated that you have a 25% chance of being matched to a family member. Autologous is the use of a person’s own stem cells. Since with autologous cells you are your own donor, the match is always 100%. In addition, when using allogenic cells there is always associated risks such as Graft-versus-Host disease (GVHD). With GVHD the donated stem cells view the recipient’s body as foreign and begin to attack. By using your own autologous stem cells, you circumvent the associated risks of an immune response.

Can stem cells be grown or expanded?

Yes. Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture, and this is often done in clinical trials using stem cells.

Can my banked stem cells be expanded?

The FDA has a responsibility to protect the public health by ensuring the safety and efficacy of countless products to include drugs and biologicals. The FDA requires that all human cells, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based products undergo “minimal manipulation”. The freezing of stem cells is considered a manipulation and therefore cells that have undergone this process cannot be currently used. Banking your stem cells with Forever Labs is an investment for your future. As science advances, rules and regulations will evolve to meet those changes. The cells you bank today will be ready for you when those changes occur.

Does Forever Labs grow my stem cells?

No, Forever Labs does not grow stem cells for therapy but safely cryopreserves them so that they can be grown in the future.

Why would someone choose to bank their aged stem cells versus getting fetal stem cells?

There are many similarities and differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the ability to become any cell in the body and are therefore termed “pluripotent”. Adult stem cells, such as Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) like those found in your bone marrow and adipose tissue, are “multipotent”, meaning they can differentiate into a number of cell types, but not all. Although a pluripotent cell may sound advantageous you have to consider the risks. First, there are relatively few clinical trials using ESCs versus the hundreds being conducted for MSCs alone. In addition, ESCs have a higher potential of eliciting an immune response resulting in rejection or requiring the need for immunosuppressive drugs, which come with steep side effects. By using your own adult stem cells, the risk of rejection is greatly diminished. Also, future advancements in science have the potential to genetically engineer adult stem cells to regain properties similar to embryonic stem cells. Banking your cells with Forever Labs would prepare you for such a future.

How many back ups does your business have for its electrical capacity?

All Forever Labs samples are housed in an FDA regulated ISO 9001 certified biorepository with industry leading operations and quality control processes in place. Having ISO 9001 certification, the biorepository is required to adhere to strict emergency preparedness and response guidelines with established procedures to identify and respond to potential emergency scenarios. This is to include but is not limited to the use of uninterruptable power supply units to minimize the impact of power surges and outages. And since all Forever Labs samples are stored in liquid nitrogen, there is no need to worry about temperature fluctuations in regard to power. Power or not, samples will remain at their temperature of -196 degrees Celsius/-320 degrees Fahrenheit.

What happens if Forever Labs goes out of business? What safeguards are in place to ensure my cells will be preserved?

At Forever Labs we regard your samples as priority #1. With that being said, should there be an unforeseeable circumstance affecting the livelihood of the company, protective measures have been put in place and funds set aside to assure that your samples will remain securely stored at the biorepository until the day you request them.

I have another question that hasn't been answered here. 

We're happy to answer any and all questions! Contact us by email or phone at 1-888-344-8463.

What is the ideal age to bank my stem cells?

We collect and store stem cells for individuals aged 18 years and older. Ideally, the younger you are, the better. However, as the loss and decline of stem cells continues throughout one's life, and as this decline accelerates with age, storing at any age may provide benefits to your future self.

How do you collect stem cells? 

Bone marrow is a wellspring for stem cells including mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. Adipose (fat) tissue is rich in mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can be collected from a small sample of your bone marrow from an aspiration, or fat tissue after a liposuction. Research suggests the decline in the number and viability of stems cells plays a role in the physical decline associated with aging. In fact, simply injected genetically-matched young mesenchymal stem cells into aged mice significantly increases their lifespan.

What is the procedure like? 

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Collection: Bone marrow stem cell collection is a minimally invasive out-patient procedure performed with local anesthetic. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes. Most clients report a fleeting (5-10 second) pressure-like sensation upon withdrawal. The procedure is low-risk and does not leave scarring.

Adipose Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells can also be isolated from fat tissue collected during a liposuction or adipose-based procedure. Ordinarily, that tissue would go to waste. With Forever Labs, the valuable stem cells are extracted from the tissue and stored for your future use.

Each of us at Forever Labs has had the procedure. Feel free to reach out and talk to us about it.

Visit our Testimonials page to learn more!

Does research link stem cells to a healthier and longer life?

More than 500 registered human clinical trials use mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of age-related disease, and many trials are currently in phases II and III. Furthermore, young stem cell treatments in animal models suggest that these cells have the potential to increase healthspan, and possibly even lifespan. Ever-increasing evidence shows that these benefits may be replicated in humans as well.

See our Research page for more detailed information.

How do I retrieve my stem cells?

You can request your stem cells by contacting Forever Labs directly, or by logging into your account. They can then be shipped to a laboratory, clinic, or other biorepository worldwide for $300.

How many times do I have to store my stem cells? 

Just once!  Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture. This is often done in clinical trials using stem cells. Your cells are stored in multiple chambers, and can be accessed more than once.

When will I be able to use the stem cells that I have banked?

Currently, there are several hundred clinical trials using them for the treatment of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, dementia, and more. But clinical trials take several years to complete. We don’t want our cells to be that much older when we need them.
You can use your stem cells in the US when such a therapy has been approved by the FDA or send them to another jurisdiction where local laws may allow you to do so.

When will the cells be approved for use in the United States?

We estimate the first stem cell treatments to be approved within 5-10 years. Heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis are some of the most developed therapies, but it is difficult to say which indication will be approved first.

Check out our blog for the lastest news on stem cell research.

If my physician collects stem cells for a same-day treatment, can my banked stem cells be used instead?

We're happy to answer any and all questions! Contact us by email or phone at 1-888-344-8463.

Can stem cells be grown or expanded?

Yes. Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture, and this is often done in clinical trials using stem cells.

Does Forever Labs grow my stem cells?

No, Forever Labs does not grow stem cells for therapy but safely cryopreserves them so that they can be grown in the future.

I have another question that hasn't been answered here. 

According to the FDA, physicians may collect cells and inject them in the same procedure. However, if the cells are not used immediately, then they cannot be used in this manner.

What is the ideal age to bank my stem cells?

We collect and store stem cells for individuals aged 18 years and older. Ideally, the younger you are, the better. However, as the loss and decline of stem cells continues throughout one's life, and as this decline accelerates with age, storing at any age may provide benefits to your future self.

How do you collect stem cells? 

Bone marrow is a wellspring for stem cells including mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. Adipose (fat) tissue is rich in mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells can be collected from a small sample of your bone marrow from an aspiration, or fat tissue after a liposuction. Research suggests the decline in the number and viability of stems cells plays a role in the physical decline associated with aging. In fact, simply injected genetically-matched young mesenchymal stem cells into aged mice significantly increases their lifespan.

What is the procedure like? 

Bone Marrow Stem Cell Collection: Bone marrow stem cell collection is a minimally invasive out-patient procedure performed with local anesthetic. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes. Most clients report a fleeting (5-10 second) pressure-like sensation upon withdrawal. The procedure is low-risk and does not leave scarring.

Adipose Stem Cell Collection: Stem cells can also be isolated from fat tissue collected during a liposuction or adipose-based procedure. Ordinarily, that tissue would go to waste. With Forever Labs, the valuable stem cells are extracted from the tissue and stored for your future use.

Each of us at Forever Labs has had the procedure. Feel free to reach out and talk to us about it.

Visit our Testimonials page to learn more!

Are there any health concerns with a bone marrow draw?

As with any medical procedure, there is always some form of risk involved. However, when undergoing a bone marrow aspiration, that risk is minimal and complications are rare. If you have a pre-existing condition that causes you to have low platelet counts or a weakened immune system, it may be wise to seek further advice from a medical professional. In general, clients can expect moderate soreness at the site of aspiration as well as possible tenderness and bruising. Talk with your physician about a plan on how to mitigate these symptoms following your procedure.

Does research link stem cells to a healthier and longer life?

More than 500 registered human clinical trials use mesenchymal stem cells for treatment of age-related disease, and many trials are currently in phases II and III. Furthermore, young stem cell treatments in animal models suggest that these cells have the potential to increase healthspan, and possibly even lifespan. Ever-increasing evidence shows that these benefits may be replicated in humans as well.

See our Research page for more detailed information.

How are stem cells safely frozen and then thawed for future use?

Preserving the viability of cells is of the upmost importance when cryogenically freezing samples for future use. To avoid damage to cells during this process a cryoprotectant, such as Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is added. When diluted in cell mixtures, DMSO prevents intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation from occurring, therefore preventing cellular damage and increasing cell membrane integrity. The use of DMSO is a validated method that has been used for decades for cryopreservation in such practices as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and cord blood banking.

How do I retrieve my stem cells?

You can request your stem cells by contacting Forever Labs directly, or by logging into your account. They can then be shipped to a laboratory, clinic, or other biorepository worldwide for $300.

How many times do I have to store my stem cells? 

Just once! Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture. This is often done in clinical trials using stem cells. Your cells are stored in multiple chambers, and can be accessed more than once.

When will I be able to use the stem cells that I have banked?

Currently, there are several hundred clinical trials using them for the treatment of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, dementia, and more. But clinical trials take several years to complete. We don’t want our cells to be that much older when we need them.
You can use your stem cells in the US when such a therapy has been approved by the FDA.

Can I use someone else's stem cells?

You are your own best source of stem cells. By using your own autologous cells, you mitigate the chance of your body eliciting an immune response. This can occur when your immune system identifies something as foreign, and attacks to eliminate the threat, as it does when you become infected with a virus. By using your own stem cells, the risk of such a response is diminished.

Does Forever Labs perform stem cell therapy?

You can look at Forever Labs as your personal biobank. We provide our clients the ability to safely harvest their stem cells and cryogenically store them so that they remain biologically inert. That means the age you are when you have your procedure, is the age your cells will remain in storage. Forever Labs has always made it their mission to work within the good graces of the FDA, and since the FDA restricts the use of stem cells, Forever Labs does not provide stem cell therapies. However, since the FDA does acknowledge the therapeutic potential of stem cell therapies, you can trust that by banking your cells with Forever Labs, you will have biologically optimal samples at hand for the future.

When will the cells be approved for use in the United States?

We estimate the first stem cell treatments to be approved within 5-10 years. Heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis are some of the most developed therapies, but it is difficult to say which indication will be approved first.

Check out our blog for the lastest news on stem cell research.

If my physician collects stem cells for a same-day treatment, can my banked stem cells be used instead?

According to the FDA, physicians may collect cells and inject them in the same procedure. However, if the cells are not used immediately, then they cannot be used in this manner.

Can your stem cells be stored and used for family members?

When thinking of stem cell therapies, there are generally two types regarding source: allogeneic and autologous. Allogeneic refers to the transplant of cells from a matched donor, such as a family member. Matches are determined by tissue typing, which looks at proteins called human leukocyte antigens (HLA), which can be found on white blood cells and tissue. It is estimated that you have a 25% chance of being matched to a family member. Autologous is the use of a person’s own stem cells. Since with autologous cells you are your own donor, the match is always 100%. In addition, when using allogenic cells there is always associated risks such as Graft-versus-Host disease (GVHD). With GVHD the donated stem cells view the recipient’s body as foreign and begin to attack. By using your own autologous stem cells, you circumvent the associated risks of an immune response.

Can stem cells be grown or expanded?

Yes. Stem cells can be expanded by growing them in culture, and this is often done in clinical trials using stem cells.

Can my banked stem cells be expanded?

The FDA has a responsibility to protect the public health by ensuring the safety and efficacy of countless products to include drugs and biologicals. The FDA requires that all human cells, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based products undergo “minimal manipulation”. The freezing of stem cells is considered a manipulation and therefore cells that have undergone this process cannot be currently used. Banking your stem cells with Forever Labs is an investment for your future. As science advances, rules and regulations will evolve to meet those changes. The cells you bank today will be ready for you when those changes occur.

Does Forever Labs grow my stem cells?

No, Forever Labs does not grow stem cells for therapy but safely cryopreserves them so that they can be grown in the future.

Why would someone choose to bank their aged stem cells versus getting fetal stem cells?

There are many similarities and differences between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the ability to become any cell in the body and are therefore termed “pluripotent”. Adult stem cells, such as Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) like those found in your bone marrow and adipose tissue, are “multipotent”, meaning they can differentiate into a number of cell types, but not all. Although a pluripotent cell may sound advantageous you have to consider the risks. First, there are relatively few clinical trials using ESCs versus the hundreds being conducted for MSCs alone. In addition, ESCs have a higher potential of eliciting an immune response resulting in rejection or requiring the need for immunosuppressive drugs, which come with steep side effects. By using your own adult stem cells, the risk of rejection is greatly diminished. Also, future advancements in science have the potential to genetically engineer adult stem cells to regain properties similar to embryonic stem cells. Banking your cells with Forever Labs would prepare you for such a future.

How many back ups does your business have for its electrical capacity?

All Forever Labs samples are housed in an FDA regulated ISO 9001 certified biorepository with industry leading operations and quality control processes in place. Having ISO 9001 certification, the biorepository is required to adhere to strict emergency preparedness and response guidelines with established procedures to identify and respond to potential emergency scenarios. This is to include but is not limited to the use of uninterruptable power supply units to minimize the impact of power surges and outages. And since all Forever Labs samples are stored in liquid nitrogen, there is no need to worry about temperature fluctuations in regard to power. Power or not, samples will remain at their temperature of -196 degrees Celsius/-320 degrees Fahrenheit.

What happens if Forever Labs goes out of business? What safeguards are in place to ensure my cells will be preserved?

At Forever Labs we regard your samples as priority #1. With that being said, should there be an unforeseeable circumstance affecting the livelihood of the company, protective measures have been put in place and funds set aside to assure that your samples will remain securely stored at the biorepository until the day you request them.

I have another question that hasn't been answered here. 

We're happy to answer any and all questions! Contact us by email or phone at 1-888-344-8463.

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